Photo gallery of the winning entries into this year's OPA Western Regional Juried Exhibit. Come see this large selection of fine art in person at SouthWind Art Gallery, 29th and Oakley, Topeka, Kansas. This show comes down October 26, 2013. Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Honeysuckle Branch by Carol Amos, 16" x 12" $800 |
Zion Color by Michael A. Bagdonas, 26" x 26" $2,800 |
Tavern Pipe by Suzie G. Baker, 16" x 20" $1,700 |
Elementals by Michael R. Baum, 18" x 24" $2,400 |
Portrait of Riley by David E. Beal, 24" x 18" $4,000 |
High Seas by Linda Besse, 12" x 23.75" $3,000 |
Double Orchid by Carla L. Bird, 11" x 17" $1,600 |
The Story Behind Two Hats by Amery R. Bohling, 16" x 20" $2,900 |
Jars of Clay by Tanya F. Bone, 18" x 24" $4,000 |
Shelterwood by Joanne R. Bornong, 30" x 24" $2,400 |
Coffee in the Serengeti by Hebe E. Brooks, 20" x 30" $3,250 |
Jade Pumpkin by Larry Brooks, 24" x 30" $4,500 |
The Icon by Raymond J. Burton, 20" x 30" $1,495 |
Moving Through by Kim Casebeer, 24" x 30" $3,600 |
Leaving Time by Jean Chambers, 12" x 12" $2,200 |
Brass Plate and Vase with Grapes by Larry J. Clingman, 12" x 9" $1,375 |
Morning Whispers by Kevin Courter, 16" x 17" $3,500 |
China and Primroses by Judy A. Crowe, 12" x 11" $1,495 |
Fried Eggs by Michael Devore, 14" x 18" $1,500 |
Bob by Jacob P. Dhein, 20" x 16" $1,400 |
El Circulo by Scott J. Dienhart, 30" x 24" $3,000 |
Half Staff by Jerolyn Dirks, 24" x 16" $2,400 |
A Cobalt Night by Teresa Dong, 24" x 30" $3,900 |
Cell Connection by Annie Dover, 12" x 16" $1,900 |
Lila's Tablecloth by Barbara Summers Edwards, 16" x 12" $1,600 |
Lazy R Strays by Glen L. Edwards, 20" x 30" $3,500 |
Out of Reach by Sheri Farabaugh, 12" x 24" $1,250 |
Appleblossoms by Faraid Wildland, 8" x 16" (diptych) $695 |
Cancerous Brick by McGarren Flack, 12" x 16" $950 |
High Tide by Howard Friedland, 9" x 12" $1,300 |
Nap Time II by Betty R. Gates, 8" x 10" $925 |
View on Loomis Lake by Michael Gibbons, 9" x 12" $3,500 |
Belle of the Ball by Ilene Gienger-Stanfield, 24" x 30" $3,500 |
Beneath the Pine by Trent Gudmundsen, 24" x 12" $2,650 |
Samovar and Reflective Cup by Ann Hardy, 16" x 20" $3,250 |
A Place to Call Home by Linda Lucas Hardy, 18" x 24" $4,800 |
Early Morning Beside Rio Maddalena by Charles Iarrobino, 18" x 24" $3,000 |
Push Ridge Arizona by Debob Jacob, 22" x 28" $7,000 |
Main Lobster by Tony Jankowski, 20" x 24" $7,000 |
Mountain Lilies by Jennifer A. Johnson, 18" x 24" $2,900 |
Flatland Cloud Burst by Rusty G. Jones, 30" x 24" $4,100 |
On the Corner by Deb Kaylor, 24" x 30" $4,200 |
Callas and Jasmine by Laurie Kersey, 30" x 24" $5,500 |
In the Park by Sarah Kidner, 12" x 16" $1,200 |
Art in Art by Gary Kim, 24" x 30" $2,900 |
Splendor in the West by Cally Krallman, 20" x 24" $2,300 |
Under the Over by Joseph Kresoja, 14" x 8" $1,000 |
Orchid on Japanese Chair by Olga Krimon, 20" x 16" $2,600 |
Paper Windmill by Cheng Lian, 30" x 24" $28,000 |
Power St. S.F. by Rui S. Liang, 30" x 24" $1,200 |
An Aura of Fragrances by Bryce Liston, 28" x 22" $6,700 |
Setting Out by Sergio Lopez, 16" x 20" $1,950 |
Evening Eucalyptus and Cattails by Lee Macleod, 14" x 11" $1,200 |
Waiting for Dad by Jeremy Manyik, 18" x 24" $2,000 |
Soda Bottles by Dianne Massey Dunbar, 18" x 24" $5,250 |
Curbside Kiss by Jennifer McChristian, 12" x 9" $1,200 |
En Route 46 by Ning Mercer, 16" x 20" $2,800 |
The Blue Skiff by Yen-Ping Miao, 8" x 10" $1,000 |
Embrace by Candace X. Moore, 18" x 24" $2,750 |
King David by Lisa Mozzini-McDill, 20" x 20" $2,700 |
Chemsee Fraulein by Donald Mullins, 24" x 20" $2,000 |
A Little R and R by Torgesen Murdock, 24" x 30" $3,800 |
American Pride by Joseph Napolitano, 10" x 16" $800 |
Big Blue by Rita M. Pacheco, 12" x 16" $800 |
Sarah with Kimono by Terumi Paganini, 20" x 16" $1,200 |
Old Harbor in Cap Ferrat by Derek Penix, 24" x 24" $3,800 |
Asian Green with Persian by Tim Perkins, 14" x 11" $1,600 |
Girl with Red Robe by Michael Peterson, 16" x 12" $750 |
Finally Spring by Stacey Peterson, 12" x 12" $1,000 |
Turn Out by Julie Petro, 16" x 8" $900 |
Cool Greens by Rachel Pettit, 18" x 24" $2,200 |
Weston Grist Mill by John Pototschnik, 16" x 27" $4,800 |
Celebration by Sandra Power, 16" x 20" $2,600 |
Puesta de Sol by Richard Prather, 20" x 30" $3,500 |
Cottonwoods, Nevada by Jim Promessi, 24" x 30" $5,400 |
The Bicycle by Jessie Rasche, 9" x 7.25" $525 |
Enchanted by Connie Renner, 24" x 14" $1,900 |
December Morning by David Riedel, 19" x 26" $4,800 |
Power and Flight by Karen Roberts, 14" x 35" $2,400 |
Afternoon Theater by Dan Robinson, 12" x 16" $1,800 |
Selecting a Costume by Pauline Roche, 30" x 20" $5,500 |
Bia's Restaurant and Wine Bar by Stan Rogers, 15" x 22" $1,800 |
Purple Glass by Cathy Rowten, 16" x 12" $1,100 |
Waiting for You by Randy Saffle, 16" x 8" $1,200 |
Sights and Scents by Naomi Shachar, 18" x 24" $5,500 |
Distant Shower in June by Sandhyaa Shetty, 18" x 24" $2,700 |
Juke Joint by Brian Slawson, 18" x 24" $6,000 |
Corner Table by Thalia Stratton, 20" x 16" $3,850 |
El Corazon Espera (The Heart Waits) by Dawn Swepston, 30" x 24" $1,500 |
Bursts of Desert Color by Carol Swinney, 10" x 20" $2,400 |
Back View by Zimou Tan, 14" x 11" $1,800 |
Jars with Cuties by Kathy Tate, 11" x 14" $1,900 |
The Smoker by Cecilia Thorell, 22" x 24" $2,800 |
Tops of Carson Pass by Randall Tillery, 11" x 14" $725 |
Blue Dress by Kathryn Townsend, 18" x 14" $950 |
Summer Day by Michele Usibelli, 22" x 25" $3,200 |
Full Bloom by Sandra Vanderwall. 20" x 16" $2,400 |
Vacancy by Nancy Wagstaff, 20" x 10" $1,400 |
Night on the Town by Elizabeth Wiltzen, 9" x 12" $1,200 |
Still Life with Daffodils by Mary Dolph Wood, 22" x 19" $3,200 |
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