Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Artist John Gary Brown - Lawrence, Kansas

SouthWind Gallery Featuring Works by Artist John Gary Brown.
John Gary Brown is an award-winning artist who has been featured in numerous magazines including Architectural Digest, Smithsonian, Arts Line and the Santa Fean. His work also has been published in several books including Soul in the Stone and Gardens of Revelation. This Kansas artist is an accomplished painter whose work is highly prized by collectors worldwide and we’re very pleased to include his paintings in our newest exhibit, Landscapes in the Abstract.

John Gary Brown, who divides his time between his homes in Kansas and Colorado, is one of 33 artists in this “mega-exhibit” which features painters from Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Washington, and Canada. 

John Gary is able to transcend place in his abstract landscapes.  It can be said that his paintings reach beyond the need for object and provide the viewer with a visual field expectant of inner dialogue and exploration. His multilayered technique, which consists of adding and subtracting layers of the oil paint, is filled with placid color transitions in contrast to dynamic liner absorption of light and pigment. His compositions provoke reflections of the cosmos and the internal landscape of thought.

John Gary Brown says this about his work:  “I believe man’s marks upon the earth are superficial and fleeting, and I try to depict and celebrate what is truly elemental in the landscape—the breathing of life into great watery vistas, seen through shifting, atmospheric veils, or the falling of sunlight onto undisturbed dust.”

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